
the way you tackle your day as a

night shift nurse!

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I’m Ashleigh, the mentor behind The FTS Method, here to help you flip the script on the negative night shift stigma and work together to fit the overnight schedule into your lifestyle without losing your marbles along the way!

WELCOME noctuRNal!

WELCOME noctuRNal!

I know night shift is an unnatural shift that many nurses are expected to work but find difficult to navigate.

It’s no surprise you feel like a fish out of water sometimes! Working night shift means having to teach your body to go against everything it’s ever known- to be awake at night instead of asleep. In order to feel like a regular human, you want to flip flop between night time work and all the things of a day time life. Plus… not everyone understands what you go through in order to make real life happen, which is why you might feel alone on the night shift island.

we can navigate this night shift lifestyle together!

Because you are NOT alone on the night shift island. In fact, there’s a party going on and it’s a vibe!


The FTS Method offers a variety of options to meet your goals and needs.

YOU decide your how you want your night shift experience to play out!

Not sure where to start?

Let’s figure out what night shift mode you’re living in first!

Allow me to introduce myself…

I’m Ashleigh!

I once was a new grad NICU nurse who started out scared to death of night shift because I had no idea how I was going to work my dream job overnight and finally live my life as a typical 22 year old who wasn’t in nursing school anymore.

10 years and a few life phases later, I’m still in the trenches of night shift by choice AND ridiculously passionate about helping other nurses make night shift less miserable and more do-able!